
Saturday 24 November 2012

Importance of Marketing and Business Strategy

Marketing strategy is something that every single business-no matter how big or small-needs to have in place. Many business owners are hesitant to set up an actual marketing strategy because they simply don’t know how to do it. A marketing strategy can include simply trying something new every week or month, whether it’s tweeting one week or running an ad in the paper the next week. Business owners who use marketing in this way are simply using different forms of marketing in hopes that one turns out to be effective.

For truly effective Marketing strategy, you must study and evaluate your business and its target audience, then create a plan of action and follow through with it. The first part of your business that you will need to evaluate is the actual business that you’re in. This means looking at your business from a customer’s or end user’s point of view and finding what they truly get out of your company. And many business owners are surprised to find that it’s not what they actually thought. An insurance company for instance, may sell policies but it’s actually a customer’s safety and security that they’re buying, not that piece of paper. Find out what your Unique Selling Proposition is (USP) and make this the objective of every aspect of your marketing techniques.

The next part of creating great Marketing strategy is finding out what your company offers that no other company does. While you’ll definitely want to advertise the fact that you sell a certain product or service, there are probably many other companies that offer the same thing for customers to choose from. So to set yourself apart, you must also advertise the thing that makes your company special – the magic that no other company has. So whether you offer the lowest prices, the best customer service, or promotions whenever customers shop at your store, this must not only be included in your marketing strategy, but it must be a part of every aspect of marketing you do. Just make sure that whatever differentiation pointyou’re promoting to your customers, that you can deliver on it.
Good Marketing strategy is essential for every business to have. This will give you a clear direction as to where you should go with your marketing efforts, and will give you a better understanding of what marketing methods are going to reach your customers in the exact manner that you were hoping for.
The success of any good enterprise is based on the measures that are laid out by the various stakeholders. In commerce, business strategy is important for the achievement of the objectives set. In a commercial setting, the main aims normally revolve around making lots and lots of profits, growing and expanding, and most importantly, diversifying. These goals must be achieved for business success in any flourishing industry.

A business strategy is a mechanism to ensure that the resources or assets of a business are applied profitably across all its activities for developing and retaining a competitive edge in the market place.  There are very many business strategies that can be utilized by new or old ventures in order to compete healthily in the market. A business strategy is a definition of the tactics and methods you will use to manage your business. One of the quickest ways to lose customers is to not have an effective business strategy in place for customer service.